
As part of my studies on Game Engineering in Saxion University, I did a 6-months research project (January 2020 – June 2020) called “Minor Skilled”.
The final product a game created in a 3D Game Engine, implemented from scratch in C++ using ECS as the main architecture design.

The purpose of this report is to share my research by answering the following question: What benefits does ECS architecture bring to Game and Engine development?

I will describe the work showcased in this report in three main parts. The first part comprises of a brief introduction to the Enity-Component-System architecture and show my implementation of this design, which I named Feather. In the second part, I explain the 3D engine called Crow and how feather was used to implement these complex engine systems. Last part of the work showcased will be about the game called Graveyard Warz, and some of the gameplay system built using ECS architecture.


The main goal of this project was to research on Entity-Component-System architecture and answer the question: What benefits does ECS architecture bring to Game and Engine development?
To answer the main question I had to research and answer the following questions:

  • Is ECS architecture more efficient?
  • How flexible and modular is ECS to work with?
  • How does ECS fit into Game/Engine programming?
  • How to implement Low level "C" and "C++" memory management systems?

  • What is ECS?

    Traditionally, games were used to be programmed in a object oriented desing (OOP) or inheritance design. For example, a class Creature inherits the base Gameobject class and then there might be a class Human and Orc which inherit Creature class and so on. Then every frame the program goes through all the Entities and call some methods like Render or Update.
    The first problem with this approach is that our architecture is rigid, meaning that if another class Necromancer wants to be both an Orc and a Vampire, the whole program architecture has to be redesigned.
    The second problem with the OOP is related to the performance. When iterating through all these Entities calling Update, the CPU is jumping in memory and pulling data in cache,but since our entities are scattered around in memory that cache is not used the next frame thus the CPU has to go and fetch that data from RAM every single time, so essentially our CPU power is wasted due to the fact that you have to wait for the data to process.

    Nowadays the industry has shifted to Component System design for solving the problem mentioned above. For example, in Unity's Component System [1] there is a Gameobject to which components can be added as building blocks and then Update is called on those components every frame.The first issue is solved since, Vampire and Orc components can be attached to a GameObject which will then act accordingly. However the second problem still remains, since the program is still jumping in memory and calling Update on all of these components.
    If you have a look at the picture in the right, which represents how a component system memory layout might look like, the problem becomes more noticeable. The program is moving all around memory in one frame and wasting CPU cycles.

    Unity's Component system Memory Layout [2]

    In order for the second problem to be solved, the memory layout needs to be re-organised so thatthe components that are iterated regularly are tightly packed together. For example if all gameobjects are needed to move, all the transforms would be iterated and the position would be changed. However these transforms have to be grouped in memory together. Then when the CPU request one transform it will fetch a bunch of them (as much as it can fit in one cache line) and store them in cache for the next frame.Then next iteration another transform is needed,they might are already stored in cache hence saving the CPU a lot of time.
    Introducing Enity-Component-System approach, in this design,an entity is just an index to a group or collection of components. All the components are stored in tightly packed array and those contain only data and they are also known as POD(Plain Old Data) structures. Instead of components updating themselves we have systems which iterate through all entities which have a specified set of components and update their data. For example the Rigidbody system will operate only on entities which have the Rigidbody and Transform component. If an entity has neither or just one of these components the system wont update their data.
    Unity Engine is now also moving towards this architecture with their new DOTS [4] api.

    Diagram showcasing entities and components in Unity's DOTS Api [3]

    Diagram showcasing systems and component arrays in Unity's DOTS Api [3]


    In this section my own implementation of ECS architecture called Feather will be explained. First the overall Architecture will be shown and then speed tests as well as actual code snippets will be displayed, showcasing how it is like developing using Feather.
    The full open sourced codebase for Feather can be found here.


    In Feather Entities are just an unsigned integers which are used to get the index in a set of components. Components in Feather are just structs of data. Systems is where the functionality is implemented, the user can create their own systems and can iterate through the entities in the world. There are multiple ways of iteration which are shown later in this report.

    Except the main concepts like Entities,Components and Systems there are a few more "Classes" that the user needs to understand in order to use Feather:

    • EntityRegistry: Keeps track of all the entities in the world. It creates and destroys entities.
    • ComponentRegistry: Keeps track of all Component Sparse Sets. If the user needs access to a Component set of a certain type this registry is responsible for providing it.
    • SystemRegistry: Keeps track of all systems, allocates system memory and provides access to the users for all the registered systems.
    • ComponentSparseSet: Is a custom collection type created for the purpose of storing component data contiguous in memory. It allows the users to create,get and destroy components.A more in depth explanation of this class will be shown in the Memory Layout Section.
    • World: Is the core class of Feather. It serves as a factory to all registries, that means that the user only needs to work with the world class and the world class with update the registries accordingly. For example, if the user destroys an entity via the world class, the world class will inform all the registries that the entity is destroyed and they will internally be updated correctly.
      Examples on how to use the world class and Feather will be shown in the the Workflow section.
    • EntityHandle: This small class provides a workflow similar to unity for entities. It wraps the active world and an entity and instead of updating an entity with the world you update the EntityHandle and it will internally update the world.
      Similar to the world class, more examples of how EntityHandle works will be shown in the Workflow section.

    Memory Layout

    As mentioned before a key advantage of ECS is providing good memory layout.
    All memory that feather uses is allocated in the beginning of the application.There is no runtime heap allocations done by Feather. The memory is partitioned correctly and marked as valid or invalid based on users input. When a component is marked for destruction, the component is moved and it wont be updated, however it wont be deleted from memory until the user explicitly needs the data to be deleted (Usually done in the end of the application's lifetime).
    Components in feather are stored in a custom collection called ComponentSparseSet. In Feather a ComponentSparseSet is just 3 C style arrays:

    • Component Dense array: In this array all the components are stored contiguously(one after another).
    • Entity Dense array: In this array all the entities which contain the component are stored contiguously(one after another)
    • Index Sparse array: The index array is sparse meaning its data is not contiguous. Instead the indexes of which the entity

    The reason why the 3 arrays are needed is to answer the problem What happens if a component is marked to be removed? The pictures below is needed to show why this is a problem. The picture represents a simplified visualisation of how the components are stored in memory. As said before the ComponentSparseSet contains 3 arrays and those arrays are displayed in a table format. Now the max size is set to 5 elements and it is empty.

    So what happens when "C1" is added to Entity "0"(entities being just unsigned integers) to our set?
    It is immediately added in the first available slot in the array, in this case it is slot 0.
    In the entity array Entity "0" is added to the first available slot too. Last in the index array, the index at which the entity's component is stored is added and we store it at the 0 index since our Entity = 0.
    Now we have mapped Entity->Index and Index->Entity.This is important when we destroy a component.

    Components "C2,C3,C4" are added to the Entity "1,2,3" respectively and the arrays are updated as shown before.
    But what happens if we remove a component from this set?

    What happens if "C3" needs to be removed from the set? At first "C3" and "C4" are swapped in the dense component array then
    the Entity->Index and Index->Entity need to be swapped as well, since next time we need to get "C4" the Entity needs to point to the updated index. In the Entity dense array the same thing needs to be done, so the entity to remove is swapped with the last entity. In the index sparse array the entity index needs to be updated.
    As it is shown the index sparse array has holes in it but that is not a problem since it is never iterated , it is only needed when a component is removed and the set needs to remain packed.
    In case the user needs to get "C4", first it's location will be found by using it's Entity value(in this case 3) to find the right index. Then in the index array, the 3rd element is retrieved which is 2 meaning that the "C4" is located in the 2nd index of the dense array.

    Finally "C1" is removed from the set. Again "C1" and "C4" are swapped with each other and "C4"'s index is updated to point in the location where "C1" used to be.
    Afterwards the array will always remain packed, and it can be iterated safely. The swapping cost is not that high since its just two C-style array look-ups and the lookup is done only when a component needs to be removed which is not that frequent. However the benefits are big since the data that is active and needed is always contiguous in memory.

    Speed Test
    Feather Vs OOP

    First Feather Vs Object-Oriented approach was tested. Two programs were created which involved two different types of entities, Orcs and Nobles. In the OOP they are classes inheriting from other base classes. While in ECS/Feather they are just two simple components. The behaviour itself is very trivial, in this case the iteration speed is the focus of the test.
    Three different cases were tested, one with 1000 "Orcs" and "Nobles", one with 10,000 and one with 100,000. The program is executed for 1000 frames and in order to get a consistent result the app is executed 100 times.
    The results are displayed graphically in the right. The X-axis shows the number of time the program was executed and the Y-axis shows the time in milliseconds it took for 1000 frames.
    In all three cases Feather performs much better then OOP when we iterate through components/behaviours. There are two main reasons why OOP performs worst than Feather.
    First one is is related to the fact that the data in Feather is contiguous in memory, thus the CPU cache saves cycles by storing the data we might need the next frame.
    The second reason is concept known in OOP as Double Dispatching which in this case is a call to the virtual "Update" function. Double-Dispatching requires a V-table lookup and that is also located somewhere scattered in memory thus waisting CPU cycles.

    Feather Vs Component System (Unity)

    The second test performed was against Unity and it's current component system. For this test the steering and flocking behaviour systems build in Unity are the same one as the ones used in final game in C++. The unity program only spawns a bunch of spheres and gives them a target to seek while they try to keep distance from each other using basic O(n2) flocking.
    As shown in the video on the right, after 300-400 spheres the frames drop under 30 FPS and at 500 spheres the framerate is very low. The current spheres have no collider attached to them and the most expensive calculation is done by the Flocking Behaviour component.

    In the second video the same systems are tested in Feather and in an custom C++ Game Engine (Crow). The performance difference is noticeable, now there are way more units, 3-4 times more then Unity while keeping a steady high framerate. After 1200 the FPS drops exponentially since the flocking is done O(n2). The Feather performs better while also having other gameplay systems running in addition to flocking system.

    There are many things that could be done to even get more units on the screen. For example the flocking and collision instead of being performed in O(n2) they could be performed in logarithmic complexity by introducing spacial partitioning algorithms. There are also rendering optimisation that could be implemented such as batching for all the meshes. However the goal was to test the same systems running in an equal environment.


    In this section, some examples of how to set up and use Feather will be shown.Afterwards how to create Entities,Components,Systems and how to iterate through the components and create functionality will be displayed.
    First Feather needs to be set up. In order for Feather to function we need to create the 3 main registries, the Entity,Component and system registry. After creating these registries, the next step will be about creating a world which will act as an context and it will communicate with all the registries. The world needs to be initialized by calling the "Init" function and passing the registries, this way the world is ready to be used and knows which memory it has to operate on.

    Since components are just data, they are very simple to create. The only thing needed to create a component is a struct with our values inside, that's it. As displayed below, a position component which holds an "X","Y" values and a gravity component which defines a "gravityValue" are created.

    Systems are not that complicated to create either. As stated before systems define the behaviour of our program. The first picture below displays how to set a the signature of a system. This is only required if systems need to know about which entities to iterate on beforehand and let the World automatically update the entities set for the user.The line below is telling Feather that the GravitySystem needs to iterate on entities which have both a Position and a Gravity component.
    This is one of the ways to iterate components in ECS architecture. In the further sections, other ways to iterate components and what are the benefits of each way will be explained.
    The second picture below is an example of how a gravity system would look like. First custom system needs to inherit base System class, this way we let feather know that this class is a system and it gives a bunch of functions to override such as Init,Update,Render etc. In the "Update" function all the entities which fit this system's signature are iterated and their Position and Gravity components are retrieved. Then the Position component is updated based on "gravityValue" of the Gravity component.

    Another way of iterating components is to use the EntitiesWith function of the World class. EntitiesWith is a Query function which returns a list of Entities which contain a given case of components in this case a Position and Gravity component. Internally this function takes the smallest set of the given component and checks which of it's entities is located in any of the other component sets and return those to the user.
    After list of entities is retrieved, the entities can be iterated and updated just as in the example above.

    An even easier way to iterate component is using the ForEach function. It takes a function as a parameter and provides the references to the entity and components automatically. This is similar to how Unity iterates components in their DOTS api.
    Now the components don't have to be retrieved from the entity since they are automatically filled in by the world and instead the user can focus on writing their behaviour inside the lambda function.

    The last way to query entities and components in Feather is using the FindEntities function. This function will return all the entities that fit a conditional function given as parameter. As presented in the example below, all the entities which have a Position component and have their position's "X","Y" values equal to 0 are retrieved.
    Then these entities can be iterated and updated accordingly, in the example below they are just destroyed.

    In order for systems and components to work, the user has to allocate memory for them. This way all the memory is allocated upfront so there is no heap allocation at runtime. If for example a new world needs to be loaded,the same memory can be used,instead of deleting memory and allocating it again.
    Another good thing about this approach is that it minimises null errors in runtime since all of the memory is valid and partitioned correctly.

    Lastly the only thing left to do in order for the application to work is create the entities and attach components to them.An EntityHandle can be created by the world and then any type of component can be attached to it. This components have to be allocated before being added otherwise an error will be thrown. The last line just updates all the systems registered to the world. And that is everything needed to set up and work with Feather.

    Crow Engine

    As mentioned above in this report,the goal is to research the question What benefits does ECS architecture bring to Game and Engine development? In this section the focus will be What features does the Crow Engine offer and how were they build using Feather(ECS)?
    Crow engine provides the basics feature a game engine needs to get the user up and running. It has a Renderer and Material workflow, window and input API, Game Loop, ResourceManager for loading and maintaining assets, and support for using Unity as an editor tool, however only in this section only the Renderer and Unity as editor will be explored since this is where the ECS architecture was needed to be used the most.

    The Renderer

    Since one of the core systems of every game engine is it's renderer, naturally the question of how your architecture will support your renderer rises. In this case How to build an ECS renderer and what are it's benefits?
    One of the main problems with an ECS renderer is fitting the drawable objects into cache. Meshes and materials can be big in terms of byte size and might not fit inside a cache line so in order to benefit from data-oriented architecture, a way to fit as much as possible in a cache line needs to be found.
    How the Crow Engine approaches the problem is by splitting the data. So in the picture below there is a Meshinfo component set and instead of holding a reference to both a material and the mesh, it holds a pointer to a material array and a mesh array. This way the MeshInfo component is small in size (it only has 2 pointers) but also it points to packed arrays of meshes and materials. The same thing is done for materials and shaders, since multiple materials can use the same shader, a pointer to the shader is stored in the material.
    By doing rendering in ECS style the scene can be sorted easily. The Crow Engine supports instanced rendering and how that works is when a shader is buffered to the GPU, a list of all the transformation matrices is sent to the GPU for each model and material pair. This way we save a lot of the draw calls the GPU would have to do otherwise.
    Another benefit of this approach is that if we were doing something to all the materials we would not need to touch the mesh part of the memory, instead we just put all the materials we need in cache.

    Renderer Performance Test

    In order to test the speed of the ECS renderer, the same rendering application was created both in Unity and Crow Engine. The application is 10,000 meshes rotating at a random speed. For the test to be fair an unlit material is attached to the meshes in both engines so the lighting would not affect anyhow the performance.

    The top video on the right shows the Unity engine result. In unity the app performs around 6-8 FPS while as it is shown in the bottom right video the exact same application in the Crow Engine performs in a constant 16-17 FPS.

    The main reason why the ECS renderer performs better in this situation is because of how fast the cpu is able to iterate and work on contiguous memory. As shown above, all the Meshes,Materials and Shaders are stored as packed together in memory.

    The Crow Engine renderer is not a better renderer then Unity's Renderer, this test is only showcasing how the data-oriented architecture is more efficient. There are many improvement that could be done here like Batching and Multi-threaded Rendering but these were not the scope of the project and did not fit into the the main goal.

    Another reason the custome renderer is able to perform better is not only because of the way material,shaders and meshes(in this case) are stored in memory but also because they are sorted at runtime in order to have as little shader swaps as possible. This way the instance rendering is implemented and saves the GPU draw calls but also the GPU does not have to swap shaders as often, which is a fairly expensive opertation.

    Rendering Showcase

    Below some of the shaders and materials build with the Crow Renderer are showcased. These materials and shaders are also used in the final Game.

    Bling phon lighting model, supporting Directional,Point and Spot lights.

    Custom shader and material that fake translucency.

    The default texture material of the renderer. Supports Diffuse,Specular and Emission maps.

    Editor Tool

    Crow Engine uses Unity as an editor. All the Crow Engine main components are supported and serialised from Unity. The Unity scene is serialised into an XML file format which can then loaded and parsed in the crow engine. The flipping of coordinate system from Left-Handed to Right-Handed is done automatically by the parser.
    The scene hierarchy is also mantained meaning child-parent relations are parsed into the Crow engine as they are in the Unity engine.

    The bottom picture in the left shows the scene in Unity and that in the right shows the same scene parsed by Crow engine. The parser will create all the entities and attach all the supported components based on the XML File generated from Unity.

    Component Serialisation

    As mentioned before in ECS architecture the components are just strucutres of data. This makes serialisation of the components trivial. All the supported engine components work dynamically with Unity's components.For example in the video on the right the light component when changed is also chaning unity's light component automatically. This way changes are visible immediately in the Unity engine and then can be exported for the Crow engine.
    The engine supported components are :

    • Camera Component
    • Light Component
    • AudioSource Component
    • Texture Material
    • Color Material

    Asset Serialisation

    Another feature of the parser is that it can serialise assets from unity. All the user has to do is place the texture or model into the right folder in unity and parse the file. The file parset is a .asset file, which is a custom serialisation format created for the loading of assets in the Crow Engine. As shown in the picture on the right, the format is very easy to read. The "#" is a type identifier meaning anything after it represents the type of the asset. Anything after the ":" is the path of that asset.
    Once the file is generated from unity, next time the Crow Engine loads it will automatically load all the assets.
    The custom format is very fast to be interpreted as it is written fully in C and since it has a very simple way of identifying tokens.

    Graveyard Warz

    Graveyard Warz is a game build using Feather and the Crow Engine. The main reason it was created is to showcase the The benefits of the ECS in Game development. In the Speed Test section of Feather a stress test of the game was showcased, where alot of units were spawned and simulated. In this section, the focus will be how ECS helped in the workflow of developing the game and show how it evolved during development, from the prototype phase to the polishing phase.

    About the game

    Graveyard Warz is a Tug of War game, where you purchase units and lead them to the enemy's portal. The player battles against the AI and whoever manages to empty the other's health bar wins the game. The game is also in 3D making it different from other games of the similar genre which are 2D.

    The image in the top right is a moodboard for the initial style of the game and the bottom picture is concept art made by an artist in order to help me visualise a more concrete version of the game.

    In the final game the user can choose three different units to spawn. The first one is the Melee Group unit which when purchased spawns 16 small units that try to reach the enemy's portal as soon as possible. Another unit is the Tank, who will block the path of all units and has more health then the other units. The last unit type is the Cannon unit, it targets the closest enemy on the path and jumps towards them dealing a lot of damage. The player gains money every second but also when an enemy unit is defeated. The unit design is an Rock-Paper-Scissor RTS design. Where the Tank counter Melee, Melee counters Cannon and Cannon counters Tank.

    The game evolved and changed a lot during development. Initially the game was supposed to be in black and white however after a few feedback session with peer student artists and also prototyping I decided to move away from this theme, since when viewed from far away the units could not be told apart and was rather confusing for the player.

    Gameplay wise in the beginning the units were supposed to move in one lane from one end to the other however in order to have more units on the screen and make the gameplay interesting, it was changed to have a 3 lane system where the user can decide which lane to spawn units.

    ECS Development

    In order to see how ECS architecture benefits gameplay development, complex gameplay systems have to be build. As shown before ECS does perform faster because of it's cache friendly design. However another aspect in game development is workflow, or in other words, how easy it is to create complex systems and how modular the design is.
    For Graveyard Warz various gameplay systems were build in order to find out how the development in this architecture is. Some of the main and complex systems are:

    • Steering Behaviour System, which applies different 3D forces to the units in order to perform fluid movement
    • Flocking System, the system which keeps units separated from each other by applying forces.
    • Projectile Motion System, simulates any rigidbody to move in a projectile curve to reach the a specified target position
    • Menu and UI System, supporting also text and sprite rendering in ECS style.

    Game Evolution

    As stated before, the game evolved a lot in terms of art and gameplay. The pictures below show what that timeline of the game looks like from left to right.

    The Final Game

    The video below displays what the game looks like in the end, with all the visual changes,postprocessing and all the gameplay systems mentioned above.


    In this part of the report the work and research done in the four planning phases (Analysis,Design,Production,Quality) will be shown,what were some of the challenges faced in each phase and how were they overcome.
    For planning two Trello boards are maintained, the first one is a Scrum board and the second one is a Log board where all the features implemented are logged.

    Analysis Phase

    During the Analysis phase the focus was researching about ECS architecture and Data-Oriented design. Many different ways of implementing this architecture were tested and prototyped.One of the biggest challenges during this phase was finding a way to store data contiguously in memory but also find a way to maintain this sets of data.
    There are many sources online explaining briefly what ECS is and why you should use it, however there are little to none concrete examples on the topic. On of the best source found for the ECS was a blog by skypjack [5] which discussed briefly a few implementation ideas and designs.
    In order to implement an basic ECS architecture, research on C and C++(meta programming) had to be done. The most reliable source for this topic and helped a lot in this project is the book Effective Modern C++ [6].
    This phase consists of implementation of the first prototype of Feather. In order for the prototype to be approved it had to be faster then the Objected-Oriented design, thus tests were performed to prove the speed of the prototype.

    Design Phase

    In the Design phase more work was put into the overall architecture of Feather. Research was done on what features other ECS frameworks offer and tried to implement some of them. One of the main features implemented was the ability to query entities with a given set of components at runtime.
    The Crow Engine renderer was designed and build keeping this new architecture in mind.
    The last thing implemented was a prototype level which was parsed from Unity Engine where initial gameplay systems could be tested.
    The biggest challenge of this phase was making the transition to the ECS workflow and building core engine using ECS architecture.
    In order to overcome this challenge, many versions of this systems were implemented and tested, for example the ECS renderer was included in the engine after it performed faster then Unity.

    Production Phase

    The Production phase consists of development of the game and its core gameplay systems.Implementing the game as visioned proved to be rather challenging at first but after peer feedback with artists, the work proceeded much smoother.
    Feather started to look more like a finished and stable ECS framework and a lot of improvements were done based on the professional feedback of Josh Caratelli who is a Software Engineer at Sledgehammer Games, an Activision Studio. One of the main added feature was the ability to iterate components using a ForEach query which is similar to the way Unity's ECS framework called DOTS, iterates its components. Another big feature was the implementation of Sparse Sets which increased the performance of Feather significantly.

    Quality Phase

    The last planning phase consists of the Quality phase. The main focus of this phase was to polish the game and make it more visually appealing by adding fog and more post processing effects as well as designing the level,adding more props and tweaking gameplay values to make it more interesting.
    During this phase most of the codebase was cleaned up and documented.
    There were also added more code sugar features to Feather framework, like the ability to get all the entities that fit a predefined condition by using the Find method.
    This whole website was created from scatch using HTMl,CSS and Bootstrap. It proved to be a challenge since it was a new experience to develop a website.


    In this section the focus will be some of the improvements that could make ameliorate Feather,Crow and Graveyard Warz. These improvements were considered but were not implemented beacuse either they didn't contribute enough to the main Goal of the project or they required a lot more time to implement in a way that would be effective to the project.

      Feather(ECS) Improvements:
    • Support for SOA architecture: Currently Feather is designed to support AOS(Array Of Structs) memory architecture which means the components(structs) are stored in arrays. However another way to store Data is in SOA(Struct Of Arrays). This approach is fast when we need to iterate groups of data that are linked with each other. A good read about how to go about implementing this design can be found on skypjack's blog post about ECS groups [7].
    • More custom collection types: One of the reasons ComponentSparseSet was created is because UnorderedMap of standard library in C++ proved to be much slower in the case of indexing and iterating components. Even though custom collections were created in critical part of Feather, there are still many other STL containers used in the codebase, which if replaced properly could lead to better results.
    • Less dependent on template meta-programming: Feather currently uses C++ meta-programming to deal with different type of structures. As powerful as templates are they also have their own drawbacks, like being hard to debug in certain cases or leading to bigger compile times.
      Crow(Engine) Improvements:
    • Better optimised renderer: The current engine renderer works good enough to showcase the capabilities of Feather. However as your game might scale up and better graphics might be requested it will become clearer that no matter how many CPU optimisations are done if the GPU is struggling, the game's framerate will drop a lot and it can't increase until the GPU bottleneck is solved.
    • Built in Editor Using Unity's Editor saved a lot of development time and increased the productivity in creating the game. Despite all this an in built editor would be far more efficient and lead to quicker development increments.
      GraveyardWarz(Game) Improvements:
    • More visual feedback: One of the feedback gotten for the game is that it misses visual feedback, like particle systems or animations. This was not the main focus of the project but it is one thing that could add a lot to the game's look.
    • Better gameplay design: As mentioned on previous sections, the unit's design is very basic. There could be more reason why a unit should be prioritised instead of another one leading to more complex strategies. Also the game has no tutorial so a well designed one could improve the new player's experience.


    The game,engine,and ECS framework built during this project helps drawing a conclusion to the main question: What benefits does ECS architecture bring to Game and Engine development?

    An overview of some of the main benefits ECS architecture brought to the development of this project are as per below:

    • Very Modular. By making your component small and independent all, then you can attach the components to other entities and they will behave properly.
    • No null exceptions. Since the data is pre-allocated and partitioned by Feather it makes gameplay systems easy to develop and bugs easy to find.
    • Very fast. As shown in the previous section the memory layout gives the ability to create complex and heavy systems without the need to multi-thread your application.
    • Focuses in the data-oriented development. Since the systems just modify small structures of data it provides a more maintainable code base. Changes are easy to implement.
    • Clear program call stack. Since neither inheritance or virtual function are used, the call stack of the program is clear and easy to step through making the program more debuggable.

    Personal Reflection

    During these 6 months I learned a lot about data-oriented design and low level programming. One of the things I wanted to work on myself was increasing my problem solving skills and how to approach harder problems that require individual research.
    For this project I had to research many things in order to reach my goal and I can safely say my overall programming and problem solving skills have improved.
    I also wanted to learn a lot not just about ECS but also about C and C++ increasing my overall knowledge of these languages since I had only done a few small projects using them. In the end of the project I can gladly say I am happy with the result. I have reached my goal and in certain areas done more then i expected myself to do.


    I would like to express my gratitude appreciation to my quality assures from the industry, Josh Caratelli from Sledgehammer games and Merijn Vogelsang from Pillows Willow for their feedback and professional insight.

    I would also like to thank the teachers, Hans Wichman,Yvens Reboucas and Bram den Hond for their great feedback and guidance.

    Last but not least I would like to thank my peers and friends who found the time to give feedback and ideas in order to improve project.


    1. Unity (2019). Unity's component system manual. Retrieved from:
    2. Article by Cristiano Ferreira and Mike Geig (31/05/2018). Unity's component memory layout. Retrieved from:
    3. Unite LA Presentation (2018). Diagram showcasing entities and components in Unity's DOTS Api. Retrieved from:
    4. Unity DOTS (2019). Retrieved from:
    5. ECS back and forth, article by skypjack(14/02/2019). Retrieved from:
    6. Effective Modern C++ book by Scott Meyers (2014). Purchased from
    7. EnTT tips & tricks, article by skypjack(12/04/2019). Retrieved from: